The Battlehelm is a customized military helmet for a group that works
closely together with each
other and with a coodinator of some kind, preferably a decker. The
helm itself has a HUD and all the optical options: Flare Compensation,
Low-Light, Optical Magnification: Level 3 and Thermographic. It will also
take feed from a Smartlink (any level) and an Ultrasound sight. Mounted
into the either side of the helm, facing forward, are microcams, also with
Low-Light, Optical Magnification: Level 3 and Thermographic Options. However,
these cameras are for the coordinator. The feed is transfered via through
a datajack link over the wearer's headphone. If the wearer does not possess
a headphone, a cellular unit can be substituted instead. The coordinator
can monitor each Battlehelm independently, but must possess a Commlink
of adequate level or the tech that can take all the feeds. Through this
telephone link, the coordinator can also download information to the helm
itself or into the wearer's internal memory, if they possess it. The information
is limited to map or statisical data that is displayed onto the HUD. The
coordinator can even superimpose information or point something out in
the wearer's field of vision through the HUD. The Battlehelm can be enviromentally
sealed and possesses ten minutes worth of air in an internal airtank that
is built into the back of the helm. The helm itself has a hardened armor
rating of +2/+3.
Name Concealability
Ballistic Impact Weight Availability Cost
Street Index
Battlehelm -
+ 2 + 3 4.0
26/ 1.25mnths 10,000 Y