Monowire Netgun Loads

These horrifying netgun loads are constructed of monofilament wire that do 10S (half Impact Armor)Damage on inital enclosure and entangle per entangle rules. Unarmored parts of the body also take 10S damage without the benefit of armor. Even the slightest movement will incur 6S damage (resistable, half Impact Armor), and actively resisting in the net incurs 10S damage (resistable, half Impact Armor).

 Name          Concealability  Damage  Weight Availability  Cost      Street Index
 Normal             7           10S     0.25   24/ 14 days   4,000Y         3
 Monowire Net
 Large              5           10S     0.50   24/ 14 days   5,000Y         3
 Monowire Net