Rot Gel

Rot Gel rounds spray a cone shaped area (determined by the choke of the shotgun) with a thin layer of gel that emits a foul smelling, utterly demoralizing scent. A direct hit imposes a +4 modifier for all actions (due to nausea), reduced by 1 for each successful Willpower roll of 5. In addition, anybody who passes within 5 meters of the affected individual will suffer similar
effects. The modifier wears off at a rate of -1 per five minutes once the individual is removed from the vicinity of the aroma (i.e. bystanders can simply walk away, the target must either remove the affected clothing, find a catalyst, or wait for the scent to wear off.) Only one hit is sufficient for the effects of the weapon to be felt, and additional shots do not impose any additional modifiers.

Basic Rot Gel will become inert after 5 minutes; Extended Duration Rot gel goes away after 1/2 hour.

Basic Rot Gel Cost (Per Round): 50¥
Extended Rot Gel Cost (Per Round): 100¥
Catalyst Spray (15 Applications): 100¥