Layla's Seductive Shapechange (Alteration/Divination)

Level: 7
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Special
Duration: Permanent until lapsed
Area of Effect: Special
Save: Special

     This spell discerns the nature of what the victim would consider
most sexually and physically attractive. The spell will make a number
of attempts to uncover this information equal to the level of the
caster, or until the information is procured. Each attempt takes one
segment, and the victim receives a save against each attempt.
Regardless of whether or not he makes his save, he will under no
circumstances notice this aspect of the spell.
     This information will be relayed to the caster, who may then opt
to activate the second half of the spell, which is to shapechange into
the form the information would dictate. If the caster does not, he may
apply the unused attempts against someone else, or give up the spell.
If the caster does, the new form is assumed until the caster wishes to
end it.
     Example: Layla wishes to infiltrate a party using this spell. She
casts against the Dirdan the fighter first, and he fails his save on
her second attempt. She finds he prefers dirty half-orc women-- a
really distasteful idea. Since she is seventeenth level, she has
fifteen more attempts to direct against the rest of the party. On
attempt seven, she finds that Alex the mage would really like a six-
foot tall snow elf who was wearing black leather. Layla finds this more
acceptable, forgoes her remaining eight attempts, and shapechanges into
a snow elf. The spell makes her clothing into black leather (without
destroying or altering any of its previous properties) and makes her
staff into a bull whip.
     After three weeks, she gets bored of Alex, and ends the spell,
changing back to her normal self.