Mind Over Sexual Endurance

Power Score: Wis - 3
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 0
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: Mind Over Body

     With this devotion the psionicist can prolong his pleasure.
Spending PSP, the psionicist can maintain intercourse without
Constitution checks. The prolonged uses of this power has some dangers.
If the psionicist prolongs the intercourse (in rounds) more than two
times his Constitution score, then when he stops paying the maintenance
cost he will collapses from exhaustion. If he goes for more than four
times his Constitution score he must save vs. Death (with a penalty
equal to the number of extra rounds) or die (but a good way to die).

Power Score: Half cost.

20: The psionicist loses interest prematurely.