Sexual Wizard Spells

File Name
Angels Negation Negates obsessive compulsive behaviour
Arousal Produces extreme horniness in a creature
Beautification Increases a persons beauty
Bitch Slap Puts a woman in her place (No offence ladys)
Blown Kiss Increases the range of a kiss
Certain Enchanted Kiss of Disease Inflicts one magical sexual disease
Certain Kiss of Disease Inflicts one normal sexual disease
Change Sexual Preferance Changes the targets sexual preferance
Charm Man I Mass charm of men
Chastity Target avoids all activities that might lead to lust
Conjure Succabus Conjures a Succabus
Constant Orgasm A constant orgasm
Contraception Magical contraception
Dance of Charm Charms one person of opposite sex
Davenets Seduction Turns a single person into a sex slave pretty much
Delay Orgasm Delays an orgasm... double your pleasure, double you fun!!
Diseased Kiss Inflicts one random sexual disease
Divine Sexual Orientation Tells a persons sexual orientation
Ecstasy Cause's target to have a kind of orgasm
Embarrassing Fetish Instills an erotic fetish into the casters behaviour
Emperors New Clothes All of targets clothes become invisible
Enchanted Kiss of Disease Inflicts one magical random disease
Facination Target will become facinated with caster and follow everywhere
Flash Target becomes enamoured with part of body exposed
Freudian Thoughts Target starts to interprit everything in sexual terms
Good Morning Kiss Causes sleeping target to be likably disposed to person who kissed
Heart Breaker Causes a heart attack
Homophobia Induces homophobia
Impotence Cause's impotence
Impregnate Magicaly impregnates a woman
Irrisistable Kiss Stuns target and mage after a long kiss
Jealousy Induces jelousy
Kiss of Charm Female mage can charm a man
Kiss of Death What a way to go....
Kiss of Immortal Despair Permanently inflicts a sexual disease or insanity
Kiss of Insanity Inflicts one random sexual insanity
Kiss of Intoxication Cause's person to become intoxicated
Kiss of Slavery Target will obey any orders unquestionably
Kiss of Sleeping Induces sleep
Kiss of the Neried Cause's target to drown
Kiss of Weakness Cause's strength loss
Kiss of Wounding Cause's Damage
Know Sexual Preference Arua appears to show sexual preferance
Lovesickness Target will become totally lovesick with the mage
Lubrication Covers organic surface with a slippery substance
Masterbation Target has irrisistable urge to masterbate
Morning After Kiss Cause's forgetfullness of what happend before sleep
Mount Conjures an attractive person to sexualy serve him or her
Obsession Cause's a crush
Penis of Power Now thats a man...
Phantasmal Lover Turns caster into the ulimate lover of the target
Phermonal Force Arouse's all who smell
Pillow Talk A kinky pillow to talk you to sleep
PMS Cause's PMS in target
Pornographic Glamour Strange things can happen
Power Word; Castrate Castrates all male targets in area of affect
Power Word; Rut Sexual motivation
Power Word; Strip Target will strip
Prismatic Dildo Dildo pops in somewhere...
Protection From Intoxication Immune to any of the effects of alcohol
Prowess Creates a sexual god!!
Reverse Gender Reverse's targets gender
Reverse Sexual Orientation Reverses's sexual orientation
Revulsion Disgust's target of any sexual activity
Seduce Undead seduces an undead creature
Seduction I Target trys to seduce the caster
Seductive Impersonation Change form into another seductive being
Seductive Shapechange Tells the nature of what the target considers seductive
Sex Change Male to Female and vice versa
Sex Slave Turns a person into your sex slave
Sexify Turns a person into quite a hotty
Sexual Attraction Target becomes sexually attracted
Skank Target becomes a slut
Slap Feel a forcefull slap across the cheek
Sleep Theft Steal sleeping time from your sexual partner
Summon Cissaldan Nasty spell....
Tiny Brothel Create a tiny house of hookers
Transfer Charm Transfers a charm cast onto anther person
Tweak Person gets magiaclly tweaked
Unbutton Whatever it is undoes itself
Vampiric Kiss Lose HP from this kiss and mage gains it
Wandering Hand Target cant help but to grope another of opposite sex
Wet Dream Cause's target to have a wet dream

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